HOA Board of Directors
Larry Weaver president@chancerysquare.net
Eric Jensen vicepresident@chancerysquare.net
Robin Gaul treasurer@chancerysquare.net
Novi Hinson secretary@chancerysquare.net
Joseph Huggins member-at-large@chancerysquare.net
Wendy Winslow member-at-large-2@chancerysquare.net
Contact all board members - board@chancerysquare.net
FirstService Residential Management
Contact: Mr. Byron S. McCauley
Phone: 703-385-1133
Fax: 703-591-5785
Committee Chairs & Members
If you would like to volunteer for a committee, please contact the Committee chair or a Board member.
ACC Jeanie Bell Winslow acc@chancerysquare.net
Fountains & Grounds Grant Smith fountains@chancerysquare.net
Lighting Laverne Murach lighting@chancerysquare.net
Trees John Perkins trees@chancerysquare.net
Webpage Mihad Alzayat web@chancerysquare.net
ChancerySquare.Net scribe - comments@chancerysquare.net